BlackBerry stellt sein Programm “Built for BlackBerry” ein

BlackBerry stellt sein Programm “Built for BlackBerry” ein. Dieses Prädikat zeichnete native Anwendungen für BlackBerry OS 10 aus. Als Grund wird die Fokussierung auf den Enterprise Markt genannt. Ist das die offizielle Absage für BlackBerry OS10 an Privatkunden?

App Entwickler erhalten eine E-Mail mit der Information, dass das Programm zum 19.Januar 2016 eingestellt wird. Es können keine Anwendungen mehr in den Prüfprozess eingegeben werden, wohl aber noch “normal” in der BlackBerry World und im Amazon App Store online gestellt werden. Alle ausgezeichneten Anwendungen werden das Prädikat “Built for BlackBerry” am 29.Februar 2016 verlieren.

Somit nimmt man mal wieder den Entwicklern von nativen privaten Apps einen Anreiz.



Dear Developer,

With our focus on enterprise customers, we are evolving our app strategy to focus on secure enterprise apps leveraging BlackBerry Enterprise Server and Good Powered by BlackBerry. As a result, we’re ending the Built for BlackBerry program. Here’s what this means to you:

Starting today, January 19, 2016, new Built for BlackBerry submissions will no longer be accepted
Pending Built for BlackBerry submissions will not receive any further review
Existing applications will keep their Built for BlackBerry designations until February 29, 2016
You can still reach out to BFBTestingTeam to nominate your applications for featuring on BlackBerry World.
Your apps aren’t going anywhere

Please note that the existing applications you’ve created will not disappear. All that will happen is that the Built for BlackBerry designation will go away. We are continually assessing new opportunities for you to market and feature your previously successful Built for BlackBerry applications. In the meantime, you can continue to submit regular applications the same way you always have. You can also extend your reach by placing your applications on the Amazon App Store.

At this time, we’d like to thank you for participating in the Built for BlackBerry program. Your commitment has helped boost the quality and range of applications available to BlackBerry users. We encourage you to register for the BlackBerry Enterprise Partner Newsletter to get the latest news on building secure enterprise apps.

Thank you,
The BlackBerry Developer Program Team

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